The Grigna Chorus at Luino
17th December 2005
The suggestive comets adorning Luino's road thake value to the Alpine's parade that, after the S. Mass to remember every associate gone forward in the year and to prepare to the Saint Christmas, accompained to the hutte the children jesus created from the sculptor Franco Puxeddu.
It is a cerimony repeated for the 20th time and for this anniversary was particolary solemn, thanks also to the partecipation of Grigna Chorus to the function in church and to the innauguration of the "crib with the Alpines"
During the parade accompained from the notes of the "zampognari" of boschese's musical band, the children jesus was escorted from the three colored italian flag and from the sectional ensign; first of the crib's benedition operated from Don Giorgio Solbiati, near the crib was achieved the hoisting of the flag.
The aplines wants to espress the hope that tradition and faith will not put on danger; the tricolored italian flag that wave near the crib wants mean protection and research of protection from-to that children born for us.
Greeting and augury words came from the Luino'major Doc. Gianercole Mentasti and from the sectional president Sergio Bottinelli that has presented also the lecterary competition "the Alpines and the crib", reserved to the students of the 5valleys
The alpine's cerimony was closed with a corroborant wine "brulè", accompained from a slice of "panettone" offered fromthe Luino and Brezzo of Bedero's groups
But the emotins for who divide the alpines valors wasn't finished in that moment.
In the full of people church of Creva, at the 21 hour, the Grigna Chorus and the Luino's city horus had a concert.
Following the tradition that take at Luino for the Christmas concert a famous choir, the Luino's choir this year invites the Grigna Chorus magistrally directed from the Master Giuseppe Scaioli.
It was an alternance of christmas and alpine songs that warmed the heart and the hand of the presents.
Unforgettable the final part with the twoo choir joined in one, particolarly when the public was esorted to sing with them "la montanara".
The choristers intermingled and directed from the luino's M. Davide Cardinali; the public directed from the alpine M. Scaioli.
Curious the syncronism of the twoo director, that back to back consequently without see one to the other, directing they move the arms in the same mode, seeming sincronized swim athlete.
Like everytime laudable the direction and presentation made from Pierangelo Rossi that had enriched with his verve the inauguration of the "crib with the Alpines", been the master of cerimonies of Luino's ANA department.