Grigna Chorus 2004
Short cronicle of an year
The Grigna Chorus has happly closed the 2004 year after 31 concert and various exibitions.
Counting them will be impossible: some where just described first but we will remember some other, starting from the october month, that gave to the chorus and his fans moments of commotion and enthusiasme.
Than we will remember the S. Mass and relative concert of the therd of october to remember the people dead in mountain.
In that annual appointment where presents many parents and friends that joined to the chorist wants to remember all dead on mountains victims of a sane passion and noble ideal, that even if they caused pain to the parents and friends now they go on green pathway and climb, with joy, the heaven mountains.
December 5th, into the Society theatre, during the annual citizen honoreficence delivery, the chorus Grigna was, from the mayor arch. Lorenzo Bodega, insigned with a benemerence certificate followed by a silver medal of Lecco's city.
This recognition was wery liked from the Chorus and in particular from his Master Scaioli for it's 46 year of association's activity that he fonded and continously directed until now in more than 1300 concerts that have contribued to knowing the city of Lecco inside and outside of Italy.
Closing this less words we will remember the fantastic concert organized by the AVIS SIEMENS Mobile Communications group of Cassina de Pecchi in occasion of the prizing "to the sport and solidariety" given to the famous Austriac climber Kurt Diemberger.
Prized also Agostino Da Polenza and some climbers protagonists of the summer enterprise "K2 2004 - 50 years after".
Present and prized also the bike champion Gianni Motta.
In that occasion the Chorus have the plearure to meet and talk with the big climber of Salisbur and view the fantastic movie "K2 2004 - the infinite knot - dream and destiny" where the big climber and eigth tousend movie maker describe the 1986 tragic summer on the K2 that at 8000 meters was a mortal trap for seven people included his companion Julie Tullis.
Diemberger was complimented with the M° Scaioli and wants have a photo to remember the meeting with the Chorus and his Master.
At the end we can not forget the 13th December in Piacenza where the Chorus Grigna had a concert in S. Sisto Basilica whith the Chorus Gerberto of Bobbio (PC), concert organized from the "casa del fanciullo" for it's 56° anniversary of foundation and to remember the "little big friar" with the alpine hat: father Gerardo Gubertini dear Chorus Grigna friend.
That friar, not even therty year old, catapulted from his emilia in the core of the limitless steppe was able to carry confort and the weigth of the Christ cross to the deceasing youth, taking from thath terrible experience the force to dedicate, when the war was finish, to a marvellous opera in favor of the most poor children founding the "casa del fanciullo" in Piacenza.
Closing this short cronicle a little poetry readen from the master Scaioli to remember the little big friar, that will be able to apply the words of S. Pauli.
"I went from you
in weakness
and with much fear and trepidation;
and my word and my message
where not based
up on persuasive conversation of sapience..."