ita eng

Alcoholism: a concert to think

The music and the songs of the Grigna Chorus as been the meeting soundtrack against the alcohol abuse organizedalcool from the ASL last friday at the "CENACOLO FRANCESCANO" in "viale Turati".
The appointment, organized in the month for the alcoholism prevention proposed from the Sanitary agency of Lecco, was accompained from the songs of the master Giuseppe Scaioli' chorus taken from the popular tradition.
Piece of music that try to light up the jocose value that ofthen is approached to the alcohol, offering some reflection points for the evening.
Objective of this initiative is to sensibilize the Lecco's people, in particolar the young, on the problematics related to the alcohol abuse. «Problems that often originates from a drinking culture that tend to reduce the alcohol negative conseguence - had underlined the liable of the alcohology service, Doctor Damaris Rovida - and that contribute to the alcoholic drink diffusion especially between the young».
After some songs of the Grigna Chorus a voluntary of the alcoholism association talk about it's life in relation of it's past alcohol dipendence, leaving then the scene to the reading of the story «The voice in a glass», made from the writer Massimo Trifirò.
A story where the dramatic situation of the person that fall into the alcohol dipendence is decribed with effectiveness, at the end the music thake the scene with the songs and the joy of the Chorus directed from the M. Scaioli.
A participation, of the Cjorus, «that wants to clean the legend that joint the Alpines to the alcohol - had underlined Scaioli - giving a false image about what the black pen really are».
