March 9th 2013
Saturday, April 9 in the splendid setting of S. Filippo Neri Church of Arosio, along with female choir's "Vocis Musicae Studium" in Oggiono, conducted by Mº Giancarlo Buccino, we performed a concert in memory of small Chiara. A warm, caring and above all responsive participated in our initiative, the collections were donated to the Association "Il giardino di Luca e Viola Onlus" of Orsenigo, who used to buy a defibrillator to the Sports Hall of Arosio. We would like to thank all the parents of Chiara, for allowing us to performing in an evening so important and full of emotions that it will forever be in our hearts, the Association "Il giardino di Luca and Viola Onlus" that reminded us of the purpose of this event (and not only) "the goal is to transmit the gift culture ...". In this special occasion we would like to greet you with the words of Gianni Viola's father "With these items and in this situation we felt very close to the Angels" heartfelt thanks to all.